The following are guidelines for driver and vehicle requirements


  • Driver and passengers must be 16 or older (16-17 must have a parent present and must complete the minor waiver)
  • Drivers must have a current valid drivers license
  • Driver must have an SA2015 or newer helmet – motorcycle helmets (M rated or DOT) are not allowed
  • Check event guidelines for proper attire
  • Fire suits are not required but are recommended for race prepared cars

Vehicle Requirements

  • Vehicle must be in excellent mechanical condition and able to participate in high speed track activities
  • Vehicle must meet all the requirements as described in the tech form
  • Vehicle type must be suitable for on track activities – if in doubt, please email [email protected] for clarification
  • Seat belts must be fully functional – if harnesses are used in lieu of seat belts they must be properly installed according to manufacturer instructions
  • Vehicle appearance – vehicles with excessive body damage, primered body panels, or missing body parts are not allowed
  • Traction Insurance offers insurance policies to protect your vehicle in case of an incident – all Just Track It events are eligible for this coverage. Visit Traction Insurance for more details


  • Convertibles are welcome however they must have a factory installed roll bar or aftermarket roll over protection that meets SCCA PDX or NASA requirements
  • Driver and passenger must be below the top of the windshield and rollbar with helmet on (broomstick rule)
  • Convertibles that do not have a rollbar (such as Corvette, Camaro, Mustang, Saturn Sky, Pontiac Solistice, NA or NB Miata) must have an aftermarket rollbar meeting SCCA or NASA requirements to participate

Track Damage

  • Drivers are solely responsible for any track damage they cause – this includes damage to any barriers and/or surfaces and will be billed for such damages including oil dry used to clean up fluid spills
  • In short, if you break it, you are responsible for it
  • Payment must be made at the time an invoice is received – this can be at the event